Mental health issues is a growing problem in the world. With anxiety being the biggest issue. It’s your body’s natural response to stress. It’s a feeling of fear or apprehension about what’s to come. It may cause you to stop doing things you enjoy.
Did you know only one third of people suffering with mental health problems search for professional help? With long waiting lists for therapy and the threshold to take actions it becomes very difficult for people to seek help.
Flow is a digital support system, connected to all your devices. It’s your new virtual best friend who also has great knowledge about anxiety disorders. Flow is there for you where and whenever you need it.
By telling how your day has been and keeping track on your anxiety attacks and issues, Flow will help you create a personal plan. The program includes breathing exercises, mindfulness and relaxation workshops and will be able to answer all your questions about anxiety. Flow will guide you through tough times and helps you improve your mindset.