Jonathan van den Broek

Theme: Health & Well-being

"How might we make young adults more focussed?"

Nowadays our lives are consumed by an endless stream of notifications, buzzes and sounds. We use our phones for everything and we use it for hours a day. It can help us get stuff done, but it can also be a mayor distraction. Most of the young adults experience loss of focus and health effects on a daily basis, thanks to over usage of our smartphones.

Lightmode wants to bring a change in awareness, habits and our daily life. It is an operating system made to be barely used. Instead of having a smartphone that is addictive by design I created a smartphone operating system that is designed to be as intentional as possible. No distracting notifications, apps and visual elements.

My mission is to help young adults be more focused on their work, school and life itself. So if you are feeling stressed, spending way too much time on your phone or are you simply done with feeling the need to be online all the time? Try Lightmode, the way to break free from your phone.

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